Season Three: It’s a Wrap!

In early March, a collection of 15 Seattle-based performers came together to rehearse for Season Three of BRASS: The Audio Series.

Appropriate snacks were provided, of course…

It was an intense and slightly chaotic couple of days, with many missed paginations and last-minute adjustments. Thanks to both Kate Kraay and Tremaine for loaning out their houses for bands of roving actors.

Mrs. Drake (Margie Bicknell) and Lady Brass (Kate Kraay) discuss the value of good domestic help in Season Three of BRASS, while Engineer Chris Leher discreetly looks away.

Lord Whitestone (Matt Middleton) and Gwendolyn (Katherine Grant-Suttie) share an intimate conversation in Season Three of BRASS, while the back of Phillip Keiman’s head looks on.













Up next: three days in the voice booths of Seattle Voice Academy, our generous and tremendously efficient hosts. They treated us wonderfully, as did our engineers–thank you Shana and Chris!

This was our largest cast yet, with Ronnie Hill, Charles Leggett and Nikki Visel joining our core company. You’ll be hearing more about all three in the weeks to come.

Lisa Carswell has such a sweet smile! Particularly when things turn sinister….

As to what Season Three is about…well, it begins with a state funeral to mourn the deaths of the BRASS family. (HA! Betcha didn’t see THAT coming!) In a world bereft of our heroes, what will be the outcome to not just London, but the British Empire, now that the Man in the Dark Room is triumphant?

The always wonderful Terry Edward Moore, enjoying himself as usual….

Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Without the generosity of all of the artists, engineers, friends of artists and engineers and domestic partners involved, a project of this complexity and size would never happen.

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