Our House, a New Immersive Play

Inspired by Thornton Wilder’s immortal play “Our Town,” this original production was written and co-directed by John Longenbaugh, and returns in 2025 after garnering a 2024 Critic's Choice Award from Oly Arts.

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A multimedia production company.
We create stories on stage, in audio and on film.

Immersive play ‘Our House’ invites you to travel through time


When longtime Seattle theater- and filmmaker John Longenbaugh moved into his 1925 rambler house in southeast Olympia last September, it took him a few months to figure out why he liked the place so much. He loved the low, wide front porch, sure, but eventually, it hit him: The porch felt like a stage.

Full article here

Review: Our House, an Evening in Three Acts

John Longenbaugh’s new play, Our House, opened September 5 to what looked like a full house — an audience of 14 — at his house, a “charming little rambler” in southeast Olympia that gave him, he says, “the venue and the inspiration” for the play. The result is, well, a charming little ramble through the lives of the house and its imagined inhabitants over the course of close to a hundred years.

Full review here

Behind the scenes of 'Our House'


Featuered Podcasts

  1. BRASS Stacks: When The Door Opened
  2. BRASS Stacks: Oh Whistle and I'll Come to You My Lad Charles Leggett

  1. Devil in Whitechapel Part 1
  1. BRASS Pilot Episode: Arrivals

  1. BRASS Missives, Chapter 1: Lady Brass
  2. BRASS Missives, Chapter 2: Vincent Law
  3. BRASS Missives Chapter 3: Holt and Vinegar Tom
  4. BRASS Missives Chapter 4: The Antiquarian
  5. BRASS Missves Chapter 5: Dandy of the Year
  6. BRASS Missives Chapter 6: Lady Brass's Guide to Clues
  7. BRASS Missives Chapter 7: The Library of Memory
  8. BRASS Missives Chapter 8: A Bouquet of Clues
  9. BRASS Missives Chapter 9: Intermittent Correspondents

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to
call us: +1 206-898-9453 
Email us: info@battlegroundproductions.org
